Values matter.

Our Values

Act with integrity

Do the right thing, even if it hurts your pocket. If you find yourself asking the question, “is this the right thing?” then it is probably not. Show up authentically — because fake people can’t have a positive impact on somebody else.

Be committed to service

Everyone here has a core desire to help others. We serve our clients, each other, and our community. Real success is found through collaboration and supporting each other generously without expecting anything in return.

Grow through learning

We’re a team of proactive, curious learners. We believe in growing as professionals and individuals. We’re knowledgeable in our craft and we’re continually self-improving.

Have determination

We stay in hot pursuit of the goals we commit to, even when the going gets tough. The reality is that people will either find a way or find an excuse, and we applaud perseverance.

Focus your energy

Achieving your extraordinary results means one thing: FOCUS. Be present in whatever you’re doing - focusing your energy on it - whether it’s home, life, work, or play.

At Aweigh Real Estate, we’re on a mission to empower people, listen to them, and help them with accountability. We take great pleasure in coaching and mentoring people toward their personal & professional success.

Our Mission

I founded Aweigh Real Estate with a firm belief there was a better way to do business. I’m a firm believer in the mission and values listed here and operate with these as my guiding principles. I expect agents on our team to operate the same and believe by doing so we can create a better experience for ourselves as well as the clients we serve.

Kenny Letner, Founder, Aweigh Real Estate

A note from Kenny…

Join the team

Ready to join our team? Fill out the form and we will get in touch to schedule a confidential consultation and discuss if Aweigh Real Estate is the right fit for you.

Better yet — call or email Kenny directly to speak immediately.

(757) 724-8657
